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Monday, October 11, 2010

Homecoming Dance 2010

Lumpkin County High school had their Homecoming Dance on Saturday night. I promise to post some pictures as soon as I can! Emily came up and helped me prepare a fancy dinner for Georgia and her date, Daniel, Hannah, and her date James, and our "adopted" son Cody and his date, Shelby. Emily made some totally rad menus that the kids can keep as mementos (those 3 guys probably lost theirs already) and check this out: they were even laminated. I borrowed some tablecloths and nice decorations (Thank you, friends in ministry) and I would say that we set a pretty nice table. Emily put out some beautiful place cards and we lit some candles. Right before the "guests" came to dinner, Jeremiah took one look at the table and asked "where am I gonna sit?" Well, naturally none of the four boys were invited to the formal dinner so they watched TV and ate leftover tacos in the master bedroom.  (Note to self: tacos + little boys + master bedroom = what was I thinking?) But the truly fabulous part of this story is that Jeremiah is reading (or at least trying to read) EVERYTHING these days. He started Kindergarten a few days before turning five and already, in spite of being the tiniest little thing in his entire classroom, he is eager to learn to read. He is so eager in fact, that he writes on everything- including the walls of our house and upholstery on my dining room chairs. One day a few weeks ago, we thought the "foster dog" Max was bleeding around her mouth. Turns out "someone" had written the first three letters of the alphabet on her little golden face with a red magic marker. PRICELESS.

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